If you are struggling with the acid reflux, know that you are not alone. So many people are facing this problem. No one likes the feeling and we all have felt it. The hot burning sensation is being felt in the chest all the times.
This burning acid is creeping up your throat, putting pressure on your chest. All those who suffer from this, had a very bad experience.
First of all, we will first understand what is the acid reflux?
Acid reflux is basically the heart burn around the lower chest area due to stomach acid moving up inside the oesophagus (a long tube which is connected the throat to the stomach). The pain tends to worse when you lie down.
Before it can get worse and you rush to some medical stores, there are natural remedies you can try to alleviate the major side effects of this uncomfortable problem.
• Baking soda – A natural ant acid that provides quick relief from heart burn. Mix half tea spoon of baking soda in a cup of water and drink it down quickly for instant relief. A long time consumption is not recommended. The person who is also suffering from hypertension should avoid this as it contains sodium. Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate.
• Aloe Vera juice – Due to its healing and anti inflammatory properties, it helps in soothing your stomach acid and bring relief from the acid reflux. You can have ¼ cup of aloe vera before 20 minutes to eating.
• Chew gum – Chewing a piece of gum stimulates the salivary glands which increases the saliva. This saliva helps in washing any acid. Chew one piece and see the difference.
• Eat fruits – Especially banana has the natural ant acid properties that counteract acid reflux. Another great fruit to try is an apple. To prevent discomfort at night, have a slice of apple before going to bed. Make sure you can avoid citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit and pineapple.
• Licorice root (mulethi) - It soothes the mucus membrane and protects the lining of the gut and decrease the gastric spasm.
• Fennel seeds – The active compound known as anethole that helps in giving a calm nature to the gastric spasm. What you can do is, you can take 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds after your meals.
• Marshmallows – Though high in mucilage, it protects the inner lining of the stomach and the oesophagus.
• Cumin – Cumin seeds help in stimulating digestion and prevent gastric issues like acidity and gas. How to use? You can steep 1 tsp of cumin seeds into water and boil it. Drink this in early morning and after your meals.
Some Additional Tips
1. Don’t lie down immediately after having your meals.
2. Don’t eat heavy meals in the dinner.
3. Include probiotic foods in the diet such as yoghurt, curd, buttermilk, lassi.
4. Quit smoking, avoid alcohol.
5. Avoid having carbonated beverages like soda, Pepsi, cola or coffee.
6. Avoid taking so much of spicy foods.
7. Avoid having fried foods like pooris, paranthas, and bhaturas.
8. Elevate your head when you go for bed for sleeping.
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