Healthy eating begins with you, no matter whatever the age is!!! See aging is a natural process and no one can stop it but you can maintain a healthy lifestyle to delay this natural process. The first and foremost step in your senior years is to eat right.
It starts with your early ages. You have to feed your body a good nutritious food so that it will help you in your geriatric period. Our body is just like a machine it needs good fuel to run throughout the life span.
As we age, our body changes not only how its looks but also how it works. It may take longer time to digest the foods. Some people might lose interest or taste in eating. Some have difficulty in chewing their foods or might be tired of eating by yourself.
The basic key to have a healthy diet, have lots of fruits , vegetables, whole grains, ample amount of water and to have a good amount of lean proteins in the diet. Along with that low fat dairy products such as curd, milk, lassi and less of salt intake.
As we grow older, our metabolism slows down and thus we need fewer calories. I have heard from so many patients that I eat only those things, which I ate when I was at 35 and still the weight is not loosing. We need to be counselled the patient that you are eating the same is not right as in older age our metabolism gets slower and we need to be more active as compared to earlier and consume less of energy giving foods such as fats and oils , starch, maida, refined flours , cakes, pastries, bakery products and so on.
Water is also important in our older age. If you are chronically dehydrated just think how your cell will look like. It will shrink and you will have a loose skin and glow of your face went off. You can’t think clearly, you get fatigued more easily; you are not able to tolerate heat as well. So drink water and make your skin glowing.
Antioxidants are the substance usually found in all colorful fruits and vegetables. Products which are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, zinc, selenium contains a good amount of antioxidants. Foods such as carrots, lemon, orange, mausambi, fish, blueberries and so on. It will help in maintaining your cell healthy.
Fiber from the things like whole grains, legumes, fruits plays an important role in your digestive system. It will help you to ease in constipation, lower your cholesterol levels, good for diabetes, and maintains blood pressure.
Iron is the mineral which is important for the maintenance of hemoglobin. You can get it from green leafy veg, jaggery, eggs, dates and so on.
As you get older, your kidneys become is not that much capable of removing potassium from your blood. You should avoid taking potassium supplements without doctor’s prescription. Potassium rich foods are lemon, coconut water, tomatoes, and spinach or green leafy veg.
Tips for picking healthy food as you get older
• Know what a healthy plate looks like (contains all food groups).
• Look for important nutrients such as proteins, vitamin c , vitamin a , vitamin b , vitamin d, iron, zinc and selenium.
• Read the nutrition fact labels.
• Use recommended servings
• Stay hydrated
• Stretch your food budget (vitamins and minerals supplements)
• If you are not able to chew, grate your veggies. It becomes softer.
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