As we all know exams are around the corner, all parents and students are under stress. They all are preparing well for the exams and thinking about how to keep our body and mind fit under this stress? One question always arises Can we beat this stress or do we able to cope with this? The answer is YES we can.
Actually, this is the stress we all people must have gone through as when we were small or even going through as our children are studying hard for the exams.
Studies show that what you eat affect your mood. This alteration in the mood affects our grades. So it is a good idea to have a good healthy diet during the stress levels so that we can burst the increased stress levels.
Here are some tips for the students and parents that can be followed during the exam time.
Eat small and frequent meals to ensure a high level of energy throughout the day and helps in giving you a calming effect on the brain.
Teach your children to eat slowly and enjoy each bite of the food.
Hydrate your body which will help you to stay awake as long hours are needed for studying. Drink lots of water (at least 8-10 glasses) and fresh juices.
Avoid too much tea, coffee as they contain caffeine which may cause acidity and heartburn sensation.
Try to consume light vegetable like bottle gourd, carrots, fenugreek etc.
Starchy vegetables should be avoided as they make you feel lethargic and because of that, you may not study well for your exams. For example potato, deep fried vegetables, sweet potato.
For snack options, you can go for pumpkin seeds, roasted channa, murmura, roasted wheat, flax seeds and so on instead of taking a burger, pizza, samosa, bread.
Iodine is important to make your brain active so have iodized salt in fruits and salads.
Choose an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables in the mid meals like oranges, amla, chilled raita, kiwis, pomegranate, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables which will rehydrate your body and helps you in providing ample amount of vitamins and minerals.
Choose whole grains instead of having refined flour as it provides the feeling of fullness. You can opt for oats, whole wheat, and barley.
Green tea and jasmine tea are good options for calming the mind.
Relaxing body is also important to have a good sound sleep before exams
Be happy listen to soft music during your break time.
These are the tips that can be followed during the exam time but on the day of exam what we can do now this question arises? Don’t worry here is the solution.
What you can do is have a good breakfast if your exam is in the morning like a banana with a cup of milk and a handful of nuts like almonds and walnuts.
If your exam is in the afternoon eat a good breakfast and lunch like it includes complex carbohydrates with a good amount of protein source and a side dish like salad or a fruit.
Hoping it would help you in your exams and you all will do well in your exams.
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