Bone is one of the most active tissue that constantly breakdown and rebuild. In today’s era most of the people are suffering from low bone density and low calcium levels. About 50 percent people had fractures in their later life as due to the loss of calcium and low levels of vitamin D.
Osteoporosis is a condition of fragile bones with an increase risk of fractures. The bones become porous and break easily. There are various factors that put you at a greater risk like:
• Drinking of soda on daily basis.
• Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.
• Taking medication such as antidepressants, chemotherapy, seizures, acid reflux medicines.
• Obesity
Bones need nourishment for remodelling to occur in order to stay strong and healthy.
There are various foods that keep your bones healthy and strong such as calcium-rich foods, vitamin D, Vitamin K, proteins, fats.
Proteins – Proteins plays a vital role in building the collagen in bones which helps in providing the structure to the bones. Example: milk and its products, pulses, fish especially salmonella.
Fats – Fats helps in lubrication. Example: olive oil, butter, olives, coconut oil, nuts are good fats choices.
Vegetables – What our mothers use to say regarding vegetables is right that we should eat vegetable three times daily as it provides various antioxidants, calcium, fibre. Vegetables include cauliflower, kale, carrots, green beans, cucumbers and so on.
Other nutrients – For calcium absorption, we need to have ample amount of Vitamin D. The main sources of vitamin D are eggs, milk, fish, liver and the free of cost sunlight.
Keeping all these in mind we must know that there are certain foods that affect the condition of osteoporosis.
High sodium foods like processed cheese, processed drinks, an excess of salt intake, processed fruits and vegetables.
Excess sugary foods which deplete the phosphorous and calcium like an excess of table sugars
Cola which had phosphoric acid that weakens the intestine so alternative drinks can be taken like lime water, fruit juices, green tea.
Caffeine and too much alcohol also lead to the decreased calcium absorption.
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