ADHD stands for Attention deficit Hyperactive Disorder. It is a neurodevelopment disorder which is characterized by extremely high agitated actions, distracted, unfocused, hyperactive, inattentive, and impulsive. This is basically found in the elementary school children. In this disorder the child has the difficulty to concentrate and uses his energy excessively. According to National Institute of Mental Health, the no. of children with ADHD is increasing day by day but the reason is still unclear.
For the prevention of this disorder what you can do is here:
• Avoid giving artificial sweeteners, chemically addictive foods like chocolates, ice-cream, toffees, and candies to the young generation (children).
• Food allergens also caused ADHD, stop giving them. Example – chilli powder, potato chips, chewing gums, butter, instant food products.
• Make a habit of doing mediation with your child for at least 15-20 min.
• Fish oil can be used in the diet as it contains omega -3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA) which show anti-inflammatory actions. Supplementation can also be given in reference to the doctors.
• Supplementation of vitamin B complex can be done as for help in the formation of serotonin that helps in curing the sleep of the child.
• Sources of Magnesium, Zinc can be added to the diet as it helps in the relaxation of the nervous system like whole grain, avocado, peas, beans, spinach, nuts.
• Probiotics also are added to the diet as ADHD may be related to digestive issues, therefore taking a good quality of probiotics helps in maintaining good gut health. e.g. – curd, lassi, buttermilk.
• Different colour of fruits and vegetables can be used or prepared as in due to the side effect of medication there is a loss of appetite.
• Refined foods should be avoided as they release more sugar in the body which stimulates the impulsive action of the child.
By following these things might help you in treating ADHD better; together we can find creative ways to gradually move in a positive direction. Your child will be happier- and so will you.
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