Magnesium is a mineral which plays a vital role in body’s function. Magnesium helps in keeping your blood pressure normal, heart rhythms stables, keeps your bones strong.
Adults who consume less magnesium are prone to have elevated inflammatory markers which increase the risk of heart disease, cancers, diabetes.
Magnesium deficiencies are rare though it’s an important mineral to have in the diet.
Magnesium involves in hundred of body’s reaction- it helps to create and repair your DNA. It helps in creating new proteins. It helps to create neurotransmitters which send messages throughout your brain and spine.
It boosts your exercise performance- Magnesium helps in moving your blood sugar into your muscles and dispose lactic acid which build up during exercise.
Fights depressions- Magnesium plays a critical role in brain function.
Females need approx 320mg/ day and males 400mg/ day.
Natural food sources of magnesium are green leafy vegetables like spinach, nuts, beans, peas, soya bean, whole grain cereals, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolates, quinoa, almonds, cashews, and avocado.
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