Nutritional Properties of Different Foods

Nutritional Properties of Different Foods

properties of different food

The efficacious management of food intake and nutrition are both key to good healths. Smart food choices can prevent major disease. Food is our fuel through which we get energies for our bodies. We need to replace nutrients in our body with a new supply. A healthy balanced diet includes natural foods. A sizeable portion includes fruits, vegetables, pulses, carbohydrates, fats.

Good nutrition also involves avoiding certain kind of foods such as Sodium (salt). Consuming too much of sodium creates problem in the body like water retention, blood pressure, heart diseases. Sugar, refined grains are bad for our overall health such as diabetes, obesity, constipation.

Here I am presenting some of the foods that are dense in vital nutrients.

  • 1. Salmon

  • This is the type of fish. It is greatly rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are basically the good fats which are required by our body to function well. This particular nutrient help in lowering heart issues, dementia, and weight lose cholesterol. It is always a good idea to eat fish twice a week to get all the omega 3 fatty acid required by the body.

  • 2.Kale

  • Kale is the king of the green leafy vegetable. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals. Kale is rich in vitamin A and vitamin K. People who are taking blood thinners should avoid this. One cup of kale serving has only 9 kcal. Those who are weight watchers can consume this. This also helps in preventing some cancers too.

  • 3. Garlic

  • As we all use this ingredient while making dishes to enhance the flavour of the food. Its not only gives flavour to the food but also adds nutrition to the food. Garlic has a sulphur compound known as allicin. It helps in lowering your blood pressure, risk of colon cancer and stomach cancer. It helps in raising HDL cholesterol.

  • 4. Potatoes

  • Everyone is bit scared from this vegetable specially the weight watchers. But not to worry it is also rich in nutrients called magnesium, potassium, copper, vitamin B. They are incredibly filling and can provide a good amount of resistant starch.

  • 5. Blue berries

  • As the name arrive of this fruit, we get craving to have. They are packed with anti oxidants due to which they exert protective effect on brain.

    Here i only present some of the food from each group but the bottom line of this article is to get all the nutrients you need to fill your meals with nutrient dense foods.

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