It is believed that men and women, who eat the same beetroot, fall in love with each other.
Before I loose my interest in the topic and get in the world of dreams, let’s come back to the topic. Beetroots are one of the healthiest vegetables and come in many varieties. It is not only used as a vegetable but also be taken as a medicinal plant and as a food colourant. Beets are jam-packed with other nutrients like iron, manganese, copper, potassium, and magnesium and all of them have individual benefits. Even raw beets have overwhelming benefits – one of them being the ability to prevent cancer. Even the leaves also offer you something like they are packed with fibre and proteins, vitamin k and calcium. Benefits include
Lowers B.P. – the presence of nitrates which the body converts it to nitric oxide and that helps in expanding of blood vessels.
Fabulous for the heart – the nitrates in the beets lowers the blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and the strokes.
Prevents cancers – presence of betanin have the potential to prevents certain cancers like prostate, breast, leukemia. They decrease the proliferation of the cells.
Good for the liver- beets help in thinning of the bile which helps in easy flow through the liver and small intestine.
Boosts your energy levels – Beetroot was also found to reduce the muscle usage of adenosine triphosphate, which is the body’s chief energy source. This conserves energy and helps one stay active for longer.
Ideas to use beets
Beet chapattis
Beet baba ghanoush
Beet root soups
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