Breastfeeding is one of the important or lovely gifts that a mother can give to her baby. It’s not only connected a bond between a mother and the child but also develops a strong emotional bond with each other. Babies are born to breastfeed during the first days, weeks, months for the optimal brain functions.
Exclusive breastfeeding is necessary during the first 6 months and thereafter you can start the complementary feeding like mashed banana, mashed potato, curd, dal water as after 6 months child’s nutritional needs increases which alone with the breast milk cannot be met.
How to breastfeed the child
Baby should be breastfed every second hourly even if the baby is sleeping. You can wake up the baby and feed the baby. Always use the sitting posture while feeding the baby as it helps the baby to suck the milk properly and develops a bond with the mother. A nursing mother can use one hand over the baby head to support the baby to take feed properly.
Benefits to lactate a baby
• Breastfed children are more resistant to diseases and infection as it provides the immunity to the children.
• It contains all the essential vitamins and minerals that needed by the baby.
• Breast milk is easier to digest by the child.
• It includes the psychological benefit also like it helps in laying a strong foundation for the mother and a child as there is a skin to skin attachment which creates a sense of warmth.
• It gives a sense of security to the child.
• Breastfeeding helps your baby to reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, cold, cough, urinary tract infections and so on.
How breastfeeding helps the women?
Lactation helps the women heal after baby's birth and avoid severe postpartum bleeding.
It helps the women to get back in shape as she puts extra weight during the pregnancy.
They can have stronger bones later in life.
Brings strong emotional bonds with their babies.
Relax; every time a baby feeds, the mother gets a surge of the bonding hormone oxytocin, which has a calming and relaxing effect.
Saves time and money as formula milk is very expensive. It is readily available to the child at right temperature.
It also helps in delaying the next pregnancy.
It helps in returning the pre-pregnancy weight by burning extra 500 kilocalories.
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