Are you being affected by Constipation? Do you face problems when you go to the loo? And when you are not able to pass the stool do you feel uncomfortable?
You are not alone as constipation is the most common medical issue in the modern world.
I think if you are reading this you must be feeling uncomfortable right now. I guess you are looking ways to get rid of it, right? I hope I could give you better remedies list to curb constipation fast and easy.
Constipation, as we eat food the digestive system breaks the food to absorb some vital nutrients but our food is not being properly digested and it becomes a poo. Once the stool is formed it is being pushed to the colon and get out of the body through the rectum. This is a normal and natural process. But when it is difficult to push out as your bowel system becomes irregular due to which your stool becomes hard and dry. This condition is known as constipation.
How do you know that you are constipated?
Some of us think that if the stool is not passed for 1 day that means you are constipated. But the reality is something different. Don’t be upset by this if you don’t go to the loo for 1 day. It is being normal and might be there are certain circumstances that lead to not passing of the stool as you might have lack of fluids that day, might be you have eaten a low fibre diet and many others.
So we can concentrate on that how one knows that he is having constipation.
• Less than 3 bowel movements per week.
• Stools are dry and hard.
• Difficult and painful to pass the stools.
• Always having the feeling that the stomach is not emptied.
Many people don’t think about this situation so seriously which leads to various harmful effects on the body. If wasted food left in the body various medical conditions could be a result.
• Varicose veins
• Piles
• Anal tears and fissures
• Diverticular disease
Now we have a little idea that what is constipation and what are the harmful effects on the body. We can move on to the various natural remedies to curb this blotting constipation fast.
I would like to advise you to use more of natural remedies more than the drugstore medicine. When there is a major issue you can go to the medical store to curb this.
1. Drink more water – Dehydration can make you constipated as stool becomes hard and dry there is no lubrication for the waste product to move properly and get out of the body. So make sure you drink enough water.
2. Eat more fibre – It is suggested that you should eat more of the fibre in the diet which will help in softening the stool and provide bulk to the stool which leads to the passing of the stool easily. You can add bran in the chapattis, incorporate salads, vegetables and fruits like apple, guavas, orange and so on.
3. Probiotics foods – Probiotics help in preventing chronic constipation. They help in producing lactic acid and short-chain fatty acids. These may improve gut movements, making it easier to pass a stool. You can incorporate curd, lassi, Yakult, yoghurt, saurekraut.
4. Prunes - Prunes have the sugar alcohol sorbitol, which is a natural laxative. Prunes can be a very effective remedy for constipation.
5. Lemon water – The citric acid of the lemon juice acts as a stimulant to your digestive system and can help out in flushing the toxins from your body providing relief from constipation.
6. Raisins – Raisins have a tartaric acid which has a laxative effect and also rich in fibre which will kick off constipation.
7. Castor oil – A component in the oil breaks down into a substance which helps in stimulating your large and small intestines. You can take 1 tsp of castor oil with lukewarm water after your dinner.
8. Exercise – Last but not the least, even 15 minutes of walk will help you in treating constipation as helps in maintaining the bowel movement. Due to walk, the food present inside the colon moves fast to the rectum. Try not to have food in a larger portion and don’t lie immediately having food for sleep.
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