It is said that garlic is being used to run the ghost away. But I think it’s just a tale stories which were told by our grandparents so that we start eating this pungent substance as it has various benefits.
The best thing about garlic is that it can be used in any form like roasting, chopped, grilled, used as a whole. This is the one thing which makes the food from flat to fab. I believe most of the food allergies die under garlic and onion.
So we can now move on to the different benefits of garlic as it has scientific evidence
1. Antibacterial and antifungal properties –If your stomach is upset, you can take garlic as garlic tends to differentiate the good and the bad bacteria in the intestine and has an antibacterial effect on the harmful bacteria which are present in the gut.
Consume 1 raw garlic before breakfast with a glass of room temperature water.
2. Fights cancer – Garlic contains diallysulphide that helps in inhibiting the oxidative stress and selenium present in garlic is known to have cancer-fighting properties, prevents DNA mutation and metastasis.
3. Strengthens immune system – Garlic has phytonutrients which flush out all the toxins and reduce oxidative stress from the body.
4. Treats asthma and the common cold – Garlic has been used for ages to treat the cold. Special mustard garlic oil is massaged near the nose and on throat and lungs area to help treat chest congestion.
5. Kills oral pathogens – Allicin present in the garlic helps in killing the microbial growth in the mouth. Now garlic extract is widely used as a mouthwash ingredient.
6. Reduces acne – It is a powerful antioxidant and has an antimicrobial effect which helps in preventing the accumulation of the toxins. As acne is the condition in which there is a clogged pore with accumulated toxins and some bacterial infections.
7. Delays ageing- Skin ageing occurs due to stress, unhealthy habits, stress, inflammation, genes etc. S-allyl cysteine, found in garlic helps protect the skin from UV damage and wrinkling.
8. Prevents hair loss – Hair loss is serious problems nowadays because of the pollution, bad eating habits, stress, anxiety and so on reason. Garlic has found to be the good source in reducing the hair fall.
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