Dear Readers, in this article we will get to know how important the genital health is, in diabetes.
Patients who are suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes are at high risk of developing infections. Basically urinary tract infections are more seen in uncontrolled diabetes and neuropathy (damage of nerves) and bladder obstruction. These infections have a high re occurrence rate in diabetics due to impaired immune response to bacteria.
If it is left untreated, it can cause various harmful effects on health. A complication of bacterial infection is known as cystitis; although rare but life threatening. It is characterized by the air bubbles in and around the bladder wall along with the formation of cysts. It is being only confirmed by the radiology and imaging. It is caused by the gas forming bacteria known as
E.coli. It should be treated immediately; otherwise it can damage your other organs too.
A routine infection is generally treatable with anti fungal creams and antibiotics.
Some common symptoms of genito – urinary infections are:
• Frequent urination
• Painful urination
• Itching
• Vaginal discharge
• Malodour
• Red patches on skin
• Inflammation
Under normal circumstances, UTI has healthy micro flora and yeast that keeps your body safe from pathogens. Whenever, there is an alteration of genital micro flora it may cause an increase in pH, due to which there is decrease in natural defense against pathogens.
A Few precautions that can be taken in order to prevent any bacterial infection:
Good blood glucose control
Consumption of probiotics drinks like yoghurt, curd, buttermilk.
Adequate hydration like 3 ltr per day for an adult.
Keep your genital area clean and dry because bacteria and fungi love moisture.
Males must clean the area under the foreskin as this may be the breeding ground for various bacteria.
Avoid tight fitting garments; always wear cotton underwear that allows the passage of air.
Avoid wearing the same undergarment for more than 16 hours.
Avoid using talcum powder that are highly scented as they may cause ovarian cancer; it increases the irritation and itching.
After using rest room, wipe the perineum from front to back, instead of doing other way. This decreases the risk of transmission of faecal bacteria to the genital area.
Washing hands after using the restroom is a must.
Females must avoid using scented tampons and sprays. These products destroy the pH balance of the vagina and kill all the good bacteria.
So we all know prevention is better than cure. Manage your hyperglycaemia and reduces the risk of developing such complications and this can be done by taking prescribed medication, exercise and following a good healthy eating practices.
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