Most of us believe that eating fat makes us fat. But believe me this is not the case right now. It was there about 20 years ago. The idea of having a low fat diet is now a myth.
Healthy fats and oils are essential not for our body but also for our brains to work efficiently. We all know fats add flavor and texture to the foods and usually foods that are low in fat, are high in sugar which makes the food palatable. These foods are more dangerous to have as they have the more power to make you fat in terms of weight gain.
Let’s take a look on how do healthy fats help our body
We all heard that fat contains fatty acids and the most familiar ones are omega -3 fatty acids and omega -6 fatty acids.
When we eat healthy fats and oils, digestion process enables the fatty acids to be absorbed in the blood stream. Fatty acids are a component of fats and oils that become the building blocks of your body, helping to create cells membranes and nerve sheathing among other body functions. Fats are good source of energy. They help you to absorb fat soluble vitamins – A, D, E and K. They help in promoting blood clotting when you get a cut. Fats reduce the chronic inflammation and assist your muscle in proper functioning.
Now understand what makes a fat HEALTHY or UNHEALTHY?
TRANS FAT are the hydrogenated fats. These are processed to prevent rancidity by combining liquid oil with hydrogen to make a solid fat. Trans fats are commonly found in margarine and vegetable shortening, cookies, crackers, baked goods, and fast-food French fries
SATURATED FATS are basically the animal fats and found in dairy products, meats and eggs. Earlier it was thought that they are the bad for health but new researches said that it was not as bad as it was earlier thought. You can take them in moderation as they consist of medium chain fatty acids.
MONO UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS are the healthiest types of fats to eat. It is basically found in olives, olive oil, avocado, sesame, peanuts and so on. Various researches have shown that if the intake of these fats decreases, the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases increases.
POLY UNSATURATED FATTY ACID is the fat that body itself cannot make it so these are required to have in the diet from other sources. These are basically found in chia seeds, flax seeds, safflower oil, and sunflower oil. They are required for the normal body functions.
Now we can understand the benefits of having healthy fats:
• Reduces craving – Including small amount of fats in each meal increases the palatability and texture of the food and the person who is on weight reducing diet will follow regularly as the food which he is eating is good to eat which further on reduces his craving for other foods.
• Reduces inflammation – Long chain fatty acid changes the composition of the cell membranes fluidity. Omega- 3 fatty acid basically EPA and DHA are responsible in decreasing the inflammation.
• Reduces belly fat – In our life we all want to have a slimmer look like DEEPIKA PADUKONE or KAREENA KAPOOR KHAN but we need to be informed that fat as macro nutrient is important to include in the diet. According to a study by American Diabetes Association – increased consumption of mono unsaturated fats are linked to less central fat distribution and decreased insulin sensitivity.
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