Summer Hacks along Nutrition

Hacks for the Unbearable summer

Summer Hacks
As the summer arrives, we all think what to do to chase this rising temperature. We all become restless when it arrives. Not only this, it hampers our energy too, which affects our lot of work and eating habits. With the rising temperature we feel dehydrated and less energetic and our body constantly looks out for various methods to cool down. Here diet plays an important role to combat this problem.

Here I am presenting some various food items that helps you in body cool down and energy levels high.

  • Curd or Yoghurt

  • This is a wonderful food item when it comes for cooling the body. As per ayurveda, curd produces less heat and very effective for the body. It can consumed in various forms and very nutritious for our body. It has proteins, calcium, magnesium, probiotics. This little and affordable food item is very helpful in maintaining our body temperature.

  • Coconut Water

  • This refreshing drink helps us in maintaining good health. Diabetic person can also have this. It is packed with minerals like potassium, sugars. It is a powerful source of energy with no calories.

  • Water melons and Melons

  • Here comes my favourite food item, these are the only fruits which are full of water. They have an excellent cooling property. They makes you full very quickly without giving a heavy feeling to your stomach.

  • Mint

  • MINT is an easily accessible food item. It can be used in preparing various dips and chutneys. Because of its refreshing and Mint cool taste, it is a staple in several summer condiments.

  • Cucumber

  • This salad vegetable is rich is in fibre and water. As it is rich in fibre it helps us in preventing constipation. Add lots of it in your salads and or it them when you are feeling to munch on something. This is good substitute for anytime snack.

  • Fennel seeds

  • Everyone knows about Sauf. Yes, I am talking about the green sauf not the sugar coated ones. These are really good in cooling your body. They act as a remedy for digestive system. It can be taken after meals to leave appealing flavour to tongue. It is also rich in vitamin C, helps in building immunity.

  • Green Cardamom

  • It balances all the three energies or doshas in our body. It counteracts the excessive stomach acids. Ground cardamom seeds help to cure stomach cramps.

  • Lemons

  • Our old traditional lemons are there, how we can forget that. It is rich in vitamin c and anti oxidants. This helps in curing oesophageal reflux. This can be consumed in good old nimbu pani (lemonade) or modernised version of Mojito.

  • Pineapple

  • Pineapple is the fruit which is loaded with the nutrients such as water, vitamin C, proteins, fibre and are incredibly low in calories. It has a disease fighting antioxidants which helps us to cure various cancers. Pineapple contains bromelain enzyme which helps in easing the digestion.

Try these summer hacks and be cool in these summers!!

I know many of you are thinking why i am not talking about water as this is the first think that click our mind as we see summers.

But to your surprise I will take on it as a seperate blog As Alternatives to Water.

Isn't that sounds intresting!!

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